Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Imperator: The Angel Sulaya

Sulaya was born when the heavens struck the Earth. The aftermath allowed Heaven to see only its own beauty even when gazing down. Sulaya wishes for the Beauty of Heaven's omnipresence. He will wash the world clear of impurities. But He was called back to Heaven, the world was not ready its cleansing transformation. He followed dutifully but has thirsted for the chance to return. True Beauty is in the most basic desires. Desires never seen nor satisfied.

The Angel Sulaya recently looked down from Heaven and was disgusted. The world was crawling with excrucians and servants of Hell. He served Heaven and knew his place in the order. He watched the lesser beings squabble and crawl doing more harm than good to creation. What beauty existed was sullied and tainted. Finally the voice of Heaven spoke to Sulaya and commanded him to travel through the gates and bring justice to the lower worlds. “Lesser beings will be punished for their failures” he exclaimed leaping from the Heavens. There was no joy in his voice, no passion, he would do his duty and cleanse the world bringing desolate beauty and clarity. He thirsted to punish those who would dare strike against the Ygg. Blind to all but the scrofulous excrucians and rogue imperators. His heart seems barren, but reflects more beauty than a million mortal lives could experience. Humans who collapse blind to the oasis just over the next dune have but a glimpse of true beauty.

Imperator Properties:
  • Honorable (+2) - Powers can sense Excrucians, devils, corruption, lies
  •  Soul-Twisted (+1)  - Powers invisible to Sight, can lie undetectably
  • Cruel (-1) - Does not understand Powers' limits
  • Cold (-1) - Extra affiliation (Heaven): 0 mp for service, -2 for disservice
  • Handicap: Ceremonial (-1) - Powers must perform a given ceremony

Scene 1 - Chancel Guardian

Several months after Locus Sulaya's creation [I'll have another thread about this time period] you hear Sulaya's voice in your head. He says: 

"Now that our new home is in order, it is time for you to fetch a guardian for this realm. The Valde Bellum demands much of my attention which may create an opportunity for our enemies. To provide our home additional strength, you are to bring the oni Ritsu back to our realm so I may bind him and his strenth into my service. He resides at the top of Mt. Fuji. It is said that he is unbeatable in combat, but will submit to a foe more massive than himself. Do not disappoint me."

 [How do you get to Japan? Do you bring your Anchors? Do you just send your Anchors? Also, I'm just going to assume that Jordan stays to guard the chancel unless otherwise stated. If no one posts by Friday I'll just continue the story.]

Locus Sulaya

Locus Sulaya, one of four Inquisitorial chancels, is contained inside a giant hourglass. The citizens live in a city of glass on the upper layer and the bottom layer is where prisoners are kept. The bottom layer is also home to a great number of the chancel's glass scarabs, magical inhabitants that protect the chancel. In the upper portion of the hour glass there is a crack that leads to a rift in the southwest of the Sahara Desert. From there sand flows down like a waterfall into the chancel and then flows like a river to the center drain. The Temple of Inquisition, where the accused are tried for crimes against Creation, is at the center of the upper layer. Those who were found guilty are thrown down to the lower layer.

The chancel properties are summarized as follows:
  • Important - players may freely enter other Chancels and other Powers are expected to obey them within reason (0 points)
  • Open border - crack that leads into the desert (-2 points)
  • Convenient gates (2 points)
  • Defenders Blessing - Auctoritas lvl 3 (6 points)
  • Technology Barrier - metal (1 point)
  • Magical beings - Glass scarabs (2 points)
  • Landlord - Latham, commands scarabs using music from his Chinese violin (-1 point)
  • Two banes (-1 point)

Imperator and Chancel Creation

Our Imperator's name is going to be Sulaya. What do we want his code to be? What Imperator Properties do we want him to have? I can do his stats once we pick those things out.

Our Chancel is Locus Sulaya. Right now our theme is to have our chancel inside a giant hourglass. The citizens live in a city of glass on the upper layer and the bottom layer is where prisoners and monsters live. We talked about having a crack in the upper portion of the hour glass that lead to a real world desert. From there sand would flow down like a waterfall and then flow like a river to the center drain. The Temple of Inquisition, where the accused are tried for crimes against Creation, is at the center of the upper layer. Those who were found guilty would be thrown down to the lower layer. 

Do we like this idea? 

We have 7 chancel points to spend. This is how we talked about spending them:
  • Important - players may freely enter other Chancels and other Powers are expected to obey them within reason (0 points)
  • Open border - crack that leads into the desert (-2 points)
  • Convenient gates (2 points)
  • Defenders Blessing - Auctoritas lvl 3 (6 points)
  • Technology Barrier - metal (1 point)
If we want more points to buy other things (like magical inhabitants or special technology or magic) we can take banes or landlord(-1 or -2 only). What do you guys think?

Major NPCs - The Other Inquisitors

There are three other Inquisitorial Chancels. Here is a brief list of the other inquisitors. I'll be adding a little more details here. You can also use this post to write down information you find out about these NPCs.

Locus Parasiel "Mitrophorous"
  • His Imperial Majest Parasiel: The Hundred-Handed Angel
  • Ianthe Falls-Short - The Power of Debate
  • Nephele Nikolaidhis - The Power of Festivals
  • Pandareos Panagiotis - The Power of Conspiracy
  • Thalasseus - The Power of Trade

Locus Ambrolam and Precipice Citadel
  • His Imperial Majesty, Ambrolam: The Augur on Two Roads
  • Patrick Romney's-Son Olam's-Serf Precipice-Lord - The Power of Chaos
  • Walking Eye - The Power of Borders
  • Ada Willamette - The Power of Strife

Locus Sakhrat
  • His Imperial Majesty Sakhrat: The Gray Mask
  • Helissent de Reymes - The Power of Mazes
  • Lance Romenel - The Power of Records
  • Idony Saint-Germain - The Power of Bureaucracy
  • Superstes Annabelle Zupay - The Power of Trails

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Character Descriptions

Please post your character descriptions as comments to this post.

Also, please describe your anchors. I will be using these descriptions when trying to incorporate your anchors into the story.

Play by post location

After talking with Brian, we've decided to try and host the play by post using blogger. You can use your gmail login to use, so that means no one has to register or anything like that. 

I think we're going to try to have each new post be a different scene. I don't really know exactly how the site works, so it will be a lot of fun trial and error.